Italian Association Drones



The Italian Association Drones was founded in the year 2014 at national level, already with more offices: in Veneto, in Padua, and in Basilicata near Potenza, and with membership in the course of other regions with the intention of creating a Polo Skills and high industrial collaboration and with the commitment to quality systems and services, including the various actors of the “industrial chain”. Manufacturers of technology and flight vehicles, regulatory bodies, control authorities, operators, software developers, Members of the Public Administration and private, Training and Information Organs will find a communal table around which identify the best solutions for rapid and balanced development that will bring important benefits to countless applications, such as:

  • Building
  • City planning
  • Infrastructure
  • Agricolture
  • Map territories
  • Civil and Industrial Plnats
  • Technical control with sensor operating in the Visible or Infrared or Thermographic ecc.
  • Television and Cinema Shooting


The association was founded by a successful collaboration between Fondazione Comunica (, prestigious reality in the Italian digital industry, which includes among its objectives primarily the development of digital skills, dissemination and training, with qualitative objectives of prestige, Cardtech ( ) operator of remote sensing pointing to the highest levels of quality provided by ENAC and Air Drone, specializing in environmental monitoring in the production and marketing of multicotteri and DRONI and related services, have thus given rise to the Italian Association Drones, all for the develpoment of an italian chain that supports the technological and industrial growth. The Italian Association Drones will adher to Confindustria Servizi Innovativi e Tecnologici.

The recent regulations issued by ENAC (Ente Nazionale dell’Aviazione Civile) have given significant impetus to industrial development of technologies and service related to “Systems Aircraft  to Pilotting Remote” more commonly know as  “Drones”, regulating with requirements of “aeronautic” type an area that until recently was left all initiative of individuals.

Drones are now wide reachability, however, have significant complexity: use  areospace technologies that it requires a further devepolment of the system, a increased awareness on the part of those who intend to use, more control in their use since they can:

  • easy access to shares that can interfere with other aircraft
  • cause damage to property and persons in the event of accidents
  • intervene in the sphere of privacy

The new regulation e phasizes Sicurity of operations, on Organization of Operators, on Staff Training.

The Italian Association Drones’ activities are already under way with the planning of a series of Information and Training Courses (

President of the Italian Drones was elected Luciana De Fino, of the digital world entrepreneur, Vice President of the Computer Section, the Basilicata Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services, and Vice Chairman of the regional National Coordination Committee of Confindustria innovative and technological services CNCT.

Vice Presidents elected:

Gianni Potti, Entrepreneur of the communication industry and the digital, Vice President of Confindustria Padova and President CNCT Confindustria Innovative and Technological. Managing Director “Digital Agenda and Smart Cities” of Confindustria Veneto. President of Fondazione Comunica.

Claudio Canella, Entrepreneur, Director of Card Tech and this “Accountable Manager” according to the Civil Aviation Authority requirements for the organization of flight operations with drones.

Click here to consult the Code of Ethics of the Association.

Click here to consult the Statute of the Association.

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