Studies and Researches


Fondazione Comunica promotes studies, analysis and research for deepen and learn about current issues related to the field of communication especially from the point of view of businesses, and processes and disseminates data and marketing studies for to tell day-to-day the communication.



the internet achievement is still far
year 2012

Fondazione Comunica  has promoted research on the quality of online communication of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Italian tourism enterprises, carried out by researchers from the Department of Statistics, University of Padova with the contribution of the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto. On a sample of companies distributed throughout the national territory, a group of 54 judges evaluated a number of parameters, including the communication effectiveness, the graphic layout, updating and completeness of the information, the presence of e-commerce. It resulted in a digital showcase full of halos: unclear, not too effective in communicating with the client, still unable to seize new business opportunities. And again, a few links to the company, poor content, e-commerce underused.
To see the complete search, click here
To see the video of the press conference, click here



Enter analogic, exit digital
years 2014 – 2015

The web teaches, networking means multiplying resources and opportunities, exchange best practices, to bring out the excellence, tow for the entire industry. Digitagliando is the initiative of digital literacy promoted by Fondazione Comunica in two years 2014 – 2015 for promote and disseminate a very digital culture, not only among those who deal with a profession, but also in the business world. Digitagliando turned to businesses PMI (Trade and Public Exercises), enabling entrepreneurs to easily manage their digitization level. The collaboration between the Region Veneto, Unioncamere, Fondazione Comunica and the various associations of enterprises, Confcommercio and APPE, has allowed to draw a shared innovation path that hugs the varied world of PMI.




year 2015

Objective of the projects: to analyze the state of  execution of the Digital Agenda Veneto through a benchmark analysis at european livel, national and regional the state of implementation of directives on the implementation of the Digital Agenda, and collect at some public reference – economic operators, professional associations, Companies and citizens – for assessing the degree of effectiveness and efficiency of the instruments used. They identified the strengths and weaknesses perceived Agenda of the Veneto, highlighting the projects and achievements of quality to be used as examples to be proposed and replicate. At the end it prepared an analytical report showing the results of the work, suggesting paths of improvement and best practices to be spread. The research was carried out by the Center Study of Fondazione Comunica for Veneto Innovation with the collaboration of Veneto – Innovative Services Region.

To see the complete search click here