- On 12 June 2018
Social mood, or the measurement of Triveneto social feelings, with the accuracy of the scientific method. Fondazione Comunica and Voices from the Blogs, thanks to the use of the ISA algorithm – which allows for a scalable qualitative analysis – want to tell the feeling of the network on the hot topics discussed on social media, trying to anticipate or grasp what the methods traditional surveys are not able to capture the quantity and speed of data collected.
Sentiment Analysis or Sentiment Analysis allows the processing of natural language, textual analysis and computational linguistics to identify and extract subjective information from different sources. The desire to communicate and express oneself of each of us continuously generates, every day, millions of data that appear to most as noise. Going beyond the simple count of the number of followers, of like or of the volume dimensions, #trivenetosocialmood intends to make sense of what has become the new (virtual) agora.
The method can then also be used by entrepreneurs for the benefit of their companies. #trivenetosocialmood is an extraordinary tool to try and test over time because the competitiveness of companies and products will pass and pass more and more for the ability to read data. When millions of people become users, their discussions are transformed into data. Interpreting and integrating them is the challenge that the so-called Big Data pose to today’s world: from politics, to the economy, to society.
An avant-garde challenge that can make us better understand what potential the web offers, especially if it is crossed with the old and very useful paper, that of newspapers. I am convinced that the challenge of the future will increasingly be able to integrate the analogue world with the digital one, in this case the best of paper with the best of the web.
Social inclusion, therefore, involving generations, cultures, different backgrounds: it is the real challenge of the coming years.