The first demonstration and proof about the simulation of drones in Padova
- On 30 October 2014
- drones, environment
Medias talk often about drones under privacy and security themes but there are a lot of potential application of drones on civil field: for example for environmental supervision or for agriculture.
Associazione Italiana Droni was born to increase drones’ diffusion under Enac’s strict rules but, however, staying at the side of investors.
Saturday 25th October at Fenice Park of Padova, with DigitalMeet, curious and enthusiastic people have been present at a flight demonstration with two certificated pilots who have showed the take-off of two different types of drones.
“The uses of drones are unlimited- says Luciana De Fino, president of Associazione Italiana Droni – maybe I am optimistic but these applications concern environmental supervision, all video and radio recordings, mapping architecture, and so on.”
Use to support digital is not to underestimate: Google has signed a purchase contract of a drones’ society to extend the net and to make more accessible wireless services.Drones could become good allies for the environmental conservation: “ Drones can be used-says Luciana De Fino- to map biodiversity, to understand the evolution of our territories and to analyse environmental dynamics under a different point of view”.
We are in year zero of drones, in fact it needs investments, research and development. But, how do drones work? “ The operation is quite complicated”- says Claudio Canella, Cardtech’s manager, society that works on Enac. “ A drone is made by a mechanic and electronic parts-continues Canella- and above all by a radio link in the distance and this is one of the parts more critics”.
Drones can be equipped by an independent flight that is flight can be projected on ground and then the intelligence of the machine allows a flight out of the control of the pilot. However, because of a series of dependability and environmental reasons, this way of use drones is forbidden in Italy because the level of security that Enac wants, has not been reached yet.